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Natania Goldrich MA

InstruVox Principal

Natania, InstruVox's Principal, specializes in voice, piano and viola.


Natania has many years' music teaching experience. She gained her degree in Music with a distinction in her first study, voice and studied at the Trinity School of Music and The Myer Lissman Opera School in London. She has sung widely as a Mezzo Soprano and Oratorio Soloist in the U.K, the Moscow Conservatoire in Russia, the Berlioz Festival in France and in Tel Aviv, Israel. She has studied with Peter Gellhorn. the Rae Woodland at the Guildhall School of Music, Hazel Wood at Trinity School of Music and with Iris Bourne. Natania has extensive academic music teaching experience in schools. She has taught Academic Music at St. Francis College (Independent School for Girls) in Letchworth and also at The Stephen Perse Foundation. She has also taught continuously on agency supply in both Music and Drama. Natania recently directed the St. Mary's Singers at St. Mary's Junior School, Cambridge (an adult choir for St. Mary's parents, carers and associates) and has also directed an evening class beginners choir at Cambourne Village College for which she recently gained her Level 1 Training Certificate. Currently, Natania recently worked at a Suffolk Primary Academy as their Music Specialist delivering entire school curriculum Music and a full extra curricular programme of musical activities. She took the school's choir she reinstated to Snape Maltings in March 2019 and they sang a piece she had specially composed for them for the Multi-School musical event, "Celebration 2019".


Natania continues to sing as a soloist in recital performances, she sang a programme of traditional Jewish and Ladino songs in October 2022 as a soloist with the "Mulberry Klezmer" group in Kingston, Cambridgeshire. She was invited to sing again with them at Jesus Green in the summer of 2024 at the River Cam Festival. Her pilot choral group "Camphonia" also ran in 2022 and a bigger venue is now sought to establish new choral exploits once more for our keen and free-spirited local singers!


Natania  completed her MA in 2012 in Fine Art Printmaking where she improvised vocally with other performers as part of her final exhibition. Natania writes her own music and is also an Illustrator and Graphic Designer.

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